Sample Center Charity Letter

Mr. Richard White,


St Peters old age home,

32-Veronicca Street,


New York

Respected Sir,

My name is Thomas cook and I would like to donate 20% of my annual income to your old age home. It saddens me when I see the parents who have been abandoned by their children and I feel very sorry for them. I felt the only way to express my gratitude towards them is to be useful to them in action but not restricting only up to feelings or speech, that’s the reason why I have taken this step of extending my charity in the form of money.

I understand that money may not buy them love and care they desire for, which they have lost, but it will provide them with some facilities so that they can lead the rest of their lives in peace and solace. I adore your work towards the society and may god bless you with all prosperity.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Thomas cook


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