Sample Calling a Representative on Carpet Letter

Encl: <List of enclosed items goes here>

Bentley Thomas

Warm Regards,


<time>, you <action taken by the rep>. I am writing to let you know that I am very disappointed and upset at your actions.

<Even though I did not support you in the last election/I supported you in the last election> <I have/and I have> been a supporter of the things you have done since that time. But I cannot put my support behind this.

I think public and I deserve an explanation for your actions. Please respond to this letter in a way that makes it clear that public opinion matters to you. Otherwise, I will almost certainly support a different candidate during the next election.

Thank you very for your time and consideration. Would be looking forward to your response at the earliest.


Dear <Recipient’s Name>,

<Mention Recipient’s Address Here>



St. Louise,

Download Sample Calling a Representative on Carpet Letter In Word Format

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