Announcement of Licensing Arrangement

Announcement of Licensing Arrangement


[DATE, ex. Tuesday, February 21, 2012]



Bob Travolta

Larson & Co,

123 Lane, Area 456,

City, State, Pin Code]


Dear [NAME, ex. Bob Travolta],


We would like to notify that we have lately entered into a licensing arrangement with [LICENSOR, ex. XYZ Co.] pursuant to which we have been granted the exclusive license to manufacture and distribute its unique accounting software.[Mention Reasons How Will Be Beneficial to Your Company And Your Coustomers , ex. This licensing arrangement will allow us to manage accounts of our customers in a much efficient way and it will also give us more time to concentrate on other important aspects of our business].

We look forward to serving you better as a result of the acquisition.


Warm Regards,

Yours truly,


[YOUR NAME, ex. John Smith]

 Announcement of Licensing Arrangement

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