Birth announcement letters are written to family, friends and relative after the arrival of the baby. These newborn baby announcement letters are a way of officially informing all the near and dear ones that you have become a parent or a grandparent or uncle or aunt. They not only share the good news but also your excitement. Just like these announcement letters for a family or friend there are also employee new baby announcement letters. And when you receive one such letter, you must respond to it with a new baby congratulations letter.
In this post, we bring to you a sample letter for new born baby announcement. You can use this new baby announcement template to create a personalized letter to send across.
Sample Letter for New Born Baby Announcement
Andrew Smith
65, Woodsworth Street
New York
Date: June 19th, 2020
Samantha Brown
B 40, Burlington Apartments
Dear Sam,
We are elated to announce to you the arrival of our daughter, Pam Smith, who was born June 10, 2020 at 08:22 hours in New York. At the time of the birth, she weighed 7 pounds and was 19 inches long. The mother and the child are doing fine and the entire family is enjoying the arrival of the new addition in the family.
Your niece will be very happy to see her aunt. I am sure that you also cannot wait to meet her. Will be sharing her pictures with you very soon. Looking forward to have you with us.
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Top Sample Letters Terms:
- https://www foundletters com/announcement-letters/sample-letter-for-new-born-baby-announcement/
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