Sample Termination Employment Complaint Letters

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Mr. /Ms …………………..

……………………. (Designation)

…………………….. (Dept)

Dear Mr. /Ms …………………

Sub: Termination Letter


We are sorry to inform you that your employment with (company name) is being terminated, effective from … (date).

The management was forced to take this action because of your continuous poor performance. You were not able to achieve the sales target. And, you were issued many written warnings for such performance problems. The main issues were – no sales, frequent leaves, excess absences, and tardiness etc.

Copies of the warnings, signed by you, are with us and, your signature on each and every single warning says that you knew everything and, you could improve if you wanted.

As stated in your final warning, you were required to improve your performance by . Your failure to do so has resulted in your termination


Even after repeated warnings, there was no acceptable improvement evident from your side. We told you to improve your work quality by …..(Date), but you failed.

The (company name) tried to support you in every possible way and it gave you so many chances to improve.


So, your employment is terminated, with effect from …..(Date). You are required to return any company property you may possess.



We wish you best of success in your future endeavors.


Yours sincerely,




Place: …………… Dated ……………

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