Sample School Fundraising Campaign General Letters

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Solicitation of Contribution to High School Fundraising Campaign

[Company Name & Address]


Dear [NAME],

It has been a long time since we last met.

How is life? How are your family members?

As you know that I am associated with a charity trust and working with them for the past five years. It gives me a feel of satisfaction that I am doing something for the people of my country.

I would like to tell you that I have planned a new campaign for helping a high school in our community. Now, apart from the other sources, I am heavily relying on my old buddies like you to help me to make this campaign a real success.

I am very serious about this program and I seek help and support from all my friends. Please bring your family members and other friends too at the event. I want your advance confirmation.

I will call you soon for the date and venue of the fundraising program.

Thanks for your support.



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