Sample Encourage Suggestions From Employees Letter

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Encourage Suggestions from Employees

 To          –      [Individual/Group Name]

 From      –      [Sender Name]

 Date       –      […..]


Subject   –      Employee Participation    


At [Company name], we all work hard to contribute to the success of this organization and achieve our goals. 

 As part of the [Company name] family, it is the duty of all of us to take initiative and make our business successful. There are many ways to contribute to the success of an organization.

 I am sure that many of us come across different experiences daily that may help generate new ideas & suggestions in our minds. Any new thought & suggestion can help our business grow.

 Any of you can suggest us new ways from managing our distribution channel more efficiently to increasing our margins, or anything related to employee welfare or, improving quality & productivity.

 So, I encourage all of you to share your ideas & suggestions with us open mindedly.  The best suggestions will be rewarded handsomely.

 I wait for your important inputs.



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