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Sample Letter Advising a Change in Terms and Conditions

Letter Advising a Change in Terms and Conditions

It is very important to keep a close eye on the terms and conditions with your buyers or suppliers when in business to make sure how you are supposed to be dealing with them. And in case you don’t find any of the terms or conditions they have shared suitable then you can always write a letter advising a change in terms and conditions to them.

In this post, we have come up with a format for sample letter to advise a change in terms and conditions to send to your business associates. You can use this template for creating a customized letter which includes important points.

Template for Letter Advising Change in Terms and Conditions


Andrew Smith


Zenith Chemicals

New York

Date: February 29, 2024


Mr. Henry Brown


Natural Cosmetics

New York

Dear Mr. Henry,

The purpose of writing this letter is to advise you to make a change in the terms and conditions which is going to be affecting all the orders that have been placed with us from December 1st, 2023.

As you must be aware that the government has come up with a policy for small scale industry in the recent days according to which, companies falling under this category will be exempted from paying any taxes if they are from cosmetics industry. Therefore, I would appreciate if you could make this change in the terms and conditions shared by your company.

For your reference, I have enclosed with this letter, the copy of the statement from the government. I would also like to request you to kindly send a signed copy of the duplicate of this letter enclosed here, in order to express your acknowledgement and acceptance of this change.

Thanking you.


Andrew Smith


Zenith Chemicals New York

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