How to write a Thank You Letter

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There are various occasions to send thank you letters. Thank you letters are sent to someone for participating in an event, for selecting for job or simply to thank your family or friends for inviting you to a function. Basically the letters can be categorized in two categories: formal and personal notes. The following points … Read more

How to Write a Farewell Letter

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The Farewell letters are written when someone is leaving the other; either a group of people or individuals. It is therefore considered polite to write a goodbye letter. Some points to remember while writing a good farewell letter are as follows: Firstly, the tone of letter should be friendly. The letter should have a personalized … Read more

Follow Up After a Quote Letter

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To: (General Manager) (Fun Entertainment Inc.) (Florida) (May 19, 2012) Dear (Mr. Smith), Greetings! This letter is in reference to the quote for (the latest software systems) given to your corporation on (May 2, 2012). We have not yet received any response on the same. We look forward to hearing a positive response from you. … Read more

Congratulations on a Job Well Done

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Dear   The displays you created for the “Summer’s Arrival” promotion are just beautiful and very creative. Several of the sales staff told me that they have received numerous compliments from the customers for the amazing promotion. I personally would like to commend on the work done on such short notice. I am well aware … Read more

Welcome a New Employee Letter

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To, Sean Peterson   1239, South Plaza, New York, USA April 1, 2012 Dear Mr. Peterson Subject: Welcoming you to our company Congratulations! We on behalf of our company ‘Dresden Medical Supplies’ welcomes you as the Customer Relations Manager. We are very proud and glad on having a competent and experienced as you in our … Read more

Thank You Letter While Leaving a Company

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February 6, 2012 Staff Members, Caffman Electronics   1234, Main Street,   Boston, MA 02123 Dear All, Hello everyone, this is to bring to the notice of everyone that after serious analyzing and thinking, I have come to the conclusion to leave this company. This company has indeed taught me so many things and I … Read more

Letter Accompanying a Catalog Letter

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 23, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, XYZ Company has been in business since [date] and is proud of its track record of quality, timely and trustworthy service. I’m attaching our latest catalog for your reference. I’d like to highlight few things in our latest catalog: … Read more

Commending a Writer or Reporter Letter

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 23, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, I am writing this letter to praise the commendable work done by [writer’s/reporter’s name] on the recent story about [subject of the recent story]. I really believe [his/her] thought and work was simply outstanding. Please pass along my praise … Read more