General Affidavit

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GENERAL AFFIDAVIT   State of ………………   Country of ……………..   Before the undersigned, an officer duly commissioned by the laws of …………, on this… of …………., 20…., individually seemed ………………………… who having been first duly sworn depose and say: …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. ………………………………………………….   Witness:……………. ………………………….     Sworn and subscribed before me this … Read more

Affidavit of No Lien

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AFFIDAVIT OF NO LIEN   STATE OF___________________ COUNTRY OF__________________ Before me, a duly commissioned Notary Public within and for the State and Country aforesaid, personally appeared________ _________who, after being duly sworn as required by law, deposes and says: 1. That he is the ___________________(title) of __________ ________________________________(firm). 2. That_____________________(said firm) is the owner of the … Read more

Affidavit For Lost Stolen Destroyed Stock Certificate

AFFIDAVIT FOR LOST, STOLEN, DESTROYED STOCK CERTIFICATE   State of ______________________ County of _____________________   I, (name) , being duly sworn, state: That I reside at (address) , (city) , (state)  That I am the legal and beneficial owner of (number) shares of the (specify class) stock of (corporation) represented by certificates described as follows: … Read more