Complaint Displeased With Temp Letter

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Complaint: Displeased With Temp –   [Name, Company Name & Address here] [Date] Dear [name],   I want to inform you that we are highly dissatisfied with the services of the candidate you referred to our company for the position of [position name]. It is because of your reference that we recruited this person in … Read more

Terminating Public Relations Firm Displeased With Results Letter

Terminating Public Relations Firm Displeased With Results   [DATE, ex. Thursday, February 2, 2012]   [RECEIVER’S NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. Sean Peterson ABC Co. 123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code]   Dear [Name, ex. Sean Peterson],   Sadly, we were doing business with your company during the past [DURATION of BUSINESS, ex. … Read more

Terminating Advertising Agency Displeased With Results Letter

Terminating Advertising Agency: Unhappy with Services   [DATE, ex. Thursday, February 2, 2012]   [RECEIVER’S NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. Sean Peterson ABC Co. 123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code]   Dear [Name, ex. Sean Peterson],   Sadly, we were doing business with your company during the past [DURATION of BUSINESS, ex. One … Read more

Displeased with Public Relations Firm Performance Letter

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Displeased with Public Relations Firm’s Performance   [DATE, ex. Thursday, February 2, 2012]   [RECEIVER’S NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. Sean Peterson ABC Co. 123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code]   Dear [Name, ex. Sean Peterson],   Sadly, we were doing business with your company during the past [DURATION of BUSINESS, ex. One … Read more

Displeased With Advertising Agency Performance Letter

Displeased With Advertising Agency Performance   [DATE, ex. Thursday, February 2, 2012]   [RECEIVER’S NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. Sean Peterson ABC Co. 123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code]   Dear [Name, ex. Sean Peterson],   Sadly, we were doing business with your company during the past [DURATION of BUSINESS, ex. One year]. … Read more