Inquiry to Government About New Business Requirement

1234, Main Street Boston, MA 02123 03/17/05 <Recipient Address Goes Here> Hello. I am planning on opening a <type of business> in <location> in <month, year>. Could you please send me any information you might have regarding: – Licensing – Tax regulations – Additional agencies involved with my industry Please advise if there are additional … Read more

Inquiry to Bank About Loan or Credit Application

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1234, Main Street Boston, MA 02123 03/17/05 <Recipient Address Goes Here> Hello. I am inquiring about the status of our application for a <$amount> <loan/line of credit>. I last spoke with <name of person> and <he/she> indicated that we would hear something by <date>. As I had mentioned at the time of application, we need … Read more

Inquiry About Special Event Planning

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code May 19, 2012 (Mention Recipient’s Address Here) Hello, Our company is planning a (type of event) on (date) and would like some help planning and executing this event. Of course we want it to be inspiring and outstanding. There will be approximately (number) attendees and the dress … Read more

Inquiry About Professional Services

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code May 19, 2012 (Mention Recipient’s Address Here) Hello. Our company is presently looking for someone to help us with (type of service). We heard about your firm through (reference). We currently have a (number) employee company, who is looking to have someone perform these duties outside our … Read more

Inquiry About Membership in Business Association

123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code May 19, 2012 (Mention Recipient’s Address Here) Hello. I heard about (name of the company) through (name of the reference). Our company is an established member of the business community, but doesn’t afford me the opportunity to meet with people outside our industry. In order to broaden … Read more

Inquiry About Leasing Vehicles

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code May 19, 2012 (Mention Recipient’s Address Here) Hello, Our company is intent in leasing (number) (vehicles) rather than purchasing (them or it). (They or It) will primarily be used (how they will be used) and therefore must be (required features). Please tell us what you have to … Read more

Inquiry About Leasing Office Space

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code May 19, 2012 (Mention Recipient’s Address Here) Hello, Our company is intend in the cost of leasing (type of equipment) from your company. Our office has (number) employees and the machine will receive (heavy, moderate or light) use. Further than that, we’re looking for the most reasonable … Read more

Inquiry About Bank Services

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code May 19, 2012 (Mention Recipient’s Address Here) Hello, Our company is looking for an association with a new bank which will provide us with good service at a reasonable cost. As per your information we currently have (number) employees and ($ figure) in annual sales. We are … Read more

Cover Letter Product Literature in Response to Phone Inquiry

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Dear   It was a pleasure speaking with you today and as I promised, I am enclosing literature on the (products). It will give you an overview as well as complete details of all the products. I will be happy to get together with you, upon your request, to explain the functions of each system … Read more