Dear Your account with (name of the organization) has been approved for credit. We would like to inform you that…
Dear This letter is in reference to the account you have opened at our company. Thank you for opening…
Dear This is in the reference to the request for opening a charge account. We regret to inform you…
Dear This is in reference to our telephonic conversation regarding the past outstanding payment on your account. Perhaps your…
Dear Your account has been forwarded to me with the clear instructions that I make final demand for payment…
EXPENSE ACCOUNT STATEMENT Employee:......................................................... For period ending:................................................ REIMBURSABLE EXPENDITURES INCURRED Hotel/Lodging $......................... Meals $......................... Tax $......................... Travel…
COLLECTION REPORT Date: _ Account Name _ Street _ City _ State _ Country_ Account Status: Current $_…
Dear You are one of our most valued accounts and it is with deep regret that I must advise you of…
Dear I wrote many times to you over the past three months asking for an explanation on why your…
Dear This is in reference to the application received on date (date) for company credit account. We have reviewed…
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