Invitation Letters

Letter Accepting an invitation to speak at a Business Event

It is truly an honor if you have been invited at some business event as a speaker but make sure…

5 months ago

Example of Invitation Letter to a Revolver Trade Show

A perfect invitation letter would be one which would include the details about the event along with inviting the recipient…

11 months ago

Sample of an Invitation Letter to a Street Party

Invitation letters are written with an intention to invite people for any formal occasion, event or even meetings. The idea…

12 months ago

Sample Writing An Invitation letter

An invitation letter is considered more personal than a printed card. It can be used for both business as well…

12 years ago

Sample Wedding Invitation Letter

Mrs. and Mr. Donald Wilson Request the pleasure of your company At the marriage of their son Jacob Wilson To…

12 years ago

Sample Invitation to Attend An Exhibition Letter

From: (Chairman) (Star Event Management Ltd.) (Texas) To: (Sales Manager) (Desktops and Laptops Unlimited) (45, Hogsmede) (Texas) (13th January, 2012.)…

12 years ago

Sample Marriage Invitation Letter

Mrs. and Mr. Donald Wilson Request the pleasure of your company At the marriage of their son Jacob Wilson To…

12 years ago

Sample Job Invitation Letter Format1

To: Donald Wilson, Manager, BF International 221/18, North Avenue,   London 11th June 2012. Dear Mr. Wilson, I am in…

12 years ago

Sample Job Invitation Letter

To: Ryan McCollum,   221/18,North   Avenue, London 28th June, 2012. Dear Mr. McCollum, On behalf of (Matrix Solutions) let…

12 years ago

Sample Invitation Letter

To Chairman, Global Management Institute Ohio, US-976859 17 January 2012 Subject: – Invitation for the tenth state level case study…

12 years ago

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