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Write a Letter To Describing The Accident Sample Template
Miscellaneous Letters

Write a Letter To Describing The Accident Sample Template

If you have witnessed some accident and you wish to share it with a friend or family member then you can always write a letter to friend describe the accident. Such a letter is quite a simple letter which majorly includes details about the accident that you witnessed.

In this post, we have come up with a format sample for letter describing an accident. If you have no idea about how to write such a letter then you can always use this template for creating a customized letter that will help you write your own letter with confidence.

Format for Letter Describing the Accident


Ana Samuel

54, Richard Street

New York

Date: September 3, 2023


Ms. Julie Hathaway

32/A, Henry Apartments


Hi Julie,

Hope you are doing good. It has been really long since we connected. I was also busy with my exams and submissions and could not find any time to write to you.

I am writing this letter to share with you an accident that I witnessed recently. While I was going back home from university at around 4 pm with my classmates. While we were all waiting for the signal to turn green in order to cross the road, one boy came and crossed the road while the signals were still red. Suddenly a Range Rover came in speed and hit the boy really hard. We were all shocked seeing what just happened. The car was at a very high speed and did not even stop to see if the boy was fine or not. Within a moment, all we could see was blood on the road. One of my friends, immediately called 911 and asked them to send immediate help. Thanks to the presence of mind of one of my friend who could manage to remember the number of the car.

It has been over a week but I still have not been able to get over this horrifying accident. It has shaken us all. The boy is in coma and we all are hoping that he is going to recover soon. But this accident is not going to fade from my memory so easily.

Rest everything is fine. I hope your exams are over too and soon you are going to be visiting New York. Looking forward to meet you.



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