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Referral Letter for a Client who Needs A Specialized Service
Recommendation Letters

Referral Letter for a Client who Needs a Specialized Service

Writing a referral letter for a client who needs a specialized service can get really difficult if you don’t know how to frame one such letter. Therefore, in order to help you with this situation, we have come up with a format letter for referral letter for a client who is in need of some specialized service.

You can use this template referral letter in order to request a specialized service for some client for creating a formal and professional letter that suits your needs.

Template for Referral Letter for Client Who Needs a Specialized Service


Richard Brown

Physical Therapist

Neon Clinic

New York

Date: November 30, 2023


Dr. Henry Smith

Orthopedic Doctor

Alliance Hospitals

New York

Dear Dr. Henry,

I am Richard Brown and I am a physical therapist with Neon Clinic, New York.

Last week, I had a patient named Rita Gibbs who was seeking physical therapy for the backpain she has been suffering from last six months. She is a 20 years old girl and after inspection, I found out that she cannot be treated with just physical therapy for her condition as she has got some abnormality in her vertebrate column which needs to be addressed.

Therefore, I am writing this letter to you as it would be better if she consults an orthopedic like you who can suggest her the effective line of treatment for her condition. For your reference, I have attached with this letter her X-rays that rightly reflect her condition.

Thank you for any assistance that you can provide to her.


Richard Brown

Physical Therapist

Neon Clinic

New York

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