Rejection of Shipment Due To Late Delivery
[Name, Company Name & Address here]
Dear [name],
We have received the shipment for our order of [product name], dated [date].
Please note that this consignment is of no use to us now as we needed it before [date]. When I placed this order, I was told that the delivery will be made around [date]. But, we received the shipment [no. of days] days late.
So, we are not accepting this shipment and cancelling the order. We are shipping back the products to you. Please refund us the payment we made for this order, when you receive this shipment.Sorry for the cancellation, but we had to do this.I hope that you will be able to deliver our next order in time.
[Your name & Designation]
[Company name]
Encl: [Enclosures List here]
Download Rejection of Shipment Due To Late Delivery Letter In Word Format
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