Sample Distribution Agreement Letter

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Mr. Bob Travolta,

Star Cosmetic Products,

New York-10132



Dear Sir,

Sub- Agreement letter confirming the Distribution agreement

Ref- Letter dated 3/10/2011 asking confirmation for the agreement.

We will be pleased to go ahead in performing the distribution agreement from our side which has been made between Star Cosmetic Products and New York Prime Distributors, dated 9/20/2011. As per this agreement we will be responsible for the distribution of your products to the retailers in the state.

As per the agreement we will be bound to distribute your products to all well known retailers in the state. As per the agreement we need to achieve the target of $500 turnover every month.

As per the agreement you will provide us 5% margin on the selling of your products which will also be subject to 2% additional margin if we will be able to cross the target of $1500.

We are glad to say you that we ready to perform the contract.

Thanking you,

Yours Truly,

Adam Brown

New York Prime Distributors

New York

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