Sample Traditional Christmas Letter

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  Percy Jackson,   563, Atlantic Beach,   Florida-32224 Dec 15, 2012 Robert Colossus   23, Hanging Street,   Los Angeles Dear Robert, I am writing this letter to wish you and your family Merry Christmas. It has been quite some time since we last met and celebrated the Christmas together. Since you got the … Read more

Sample Invoice Cover Christmas Letters

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Good Life Means Pvt. Ltd.   6-A/B, William Street,   Connecticut RE: Invoice Submittal For medical Supplies Lot no. 123/456/9 Please find the enclosed payment due for our invoice amounting to $ 9,872. After this payment, all our due is cleared till 31 January 2012. As per our agreement, Please find all the papers duly … Read more

Sample Christmas Letter

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Ms. Shelly Sheldon 32-Veronicca Street,   New York December 19, 2012 Ms. Jennifer Linton 31, Vincent Street,   New York Dear Jennifer, Hope you receive this letter in good spirits. How are you and everyone at home? I hope that everyone is doing well. Few more days left for Christmas. Wish u a merry Christmas in … Read more

Sample Product Complaint Letter

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To: Mr. Paul Martin Customer Care Manager Beta Products New York 18th January, 2012. Ref: Unserviceable Product Dear Mr. Martin, This is with reference to the Beta Product we purchased from you on 13th January, vide receipt number CE530. I regret to inform you that the product is unserviceable and does not match up to the mentioned … Read more

Sample Police Complaint Letter

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Christopher Davis Texas 11 February 2012 To Sergeant Kevin Moore, Texas Dear Mr. Wright, I am Christopher Davis and I live in the IV Park Avenue, Varsity Lanes in Texas. We have a mall in our neighborhood which has opened recently. Earlier we had to go to Vincent Street to fetch the necessities. We were … Read more

Sample Thank You Christmas Letter

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Dear Davidson, Thank You so much for sending me the Christmas gift and that too what I wanted. I was surprised to receive it. I wished to thank you in person and therefore tried calling you but unfortunately couldn’t connect, so I left a message on your voicemail. Wish you a Merry Christmas and a … Read more

Sample Invoice Cover Letter

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Good Life Means Pvt. Ltd.   6-A/B, William Street,   Connecticut RE: Invoice Submittal For medical Supplies Lot no. 123/456/9 Please find the enclosed payment due for our invoice amounting to $ 9,872. After this payment, all our due is cleared till 31 January 2012. As per our agreement, Please find all the papers duly … Read more