Sample Underpaid Taxes Letter

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Any Town, USA 123454 22 May, 2012 <Address of the Recipient> Dear <Recipient’s Name, For the tax year <year>, <I/we> have discovered that <I/we> underpaid <my/our> <federal/state> income tax. <I/we> paid <$amount>, while upon further calculation <I/we> should have paid <$amount>. <I/we> think this underpayment means <I/we> owe the <state/federal government> a balance of <$amount>, … Read more

Sample Support For The President Letter

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Here, Town, MA 46884 11 July, 2012 <Address of the Recipient > Dear <Recipient’s Name>, I understand that you are continuously dealing with the stress of what must be the world’s most demanding job, and that things can’t be much easier with the <current crisis> that’s going on right now. I simply wanted to write … Read more

Sample Support For Political Candidate Letter

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12, Bed fort Hill, Santa Ana, USA   28 June, 2012 <Mention Recipient’s Address> Dear <Recipient’s Name> You must be knowing that <candidate name> is running for <office>. As the election days are coming nearer, I wish to get people like you to take a closer look at <candidate name> and why <he/she> is the … Read more

Sample Request For Volunteers Letter

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Any Town, USA 123454 12, January 2012 <Mention Recipient’s Address> Dear <Recipient’s Name> A lot of time and effort goes into any political campaign. The campaigning of <name> for <office> is going well, but there is still so much to be done. That’s why we’re writing to request: to ask you if you could spare … Read more

Sample Question About Touring The White House Letter

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St. Louise, MI-6509   23 February 2012 <Mention Recipient’s Address Here> Dear <Recipient’s Name>, I am <your title or position>, and I am writing to try to arrange a personal appearance by you at <event> on <date/location>. I know that you are occupied with work, and that personal appearances take up time that must also … Read more

Sample Question About Touring The White House Letter

St. Louise, MI-6509   23 February 2012 <Mention Recipient’s Address Here> Dear <Recipient’s Name>, I am <your title or position>, and I am writing to try to arrange a personal appearance by you at <event> on <date/location>. I know that you are occupied with work, and that personal appearances take up time that must also … Read more

Sample Question About Touring The White House Letter

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St. Louise, MI-6509 23-Feb-12 <Mention Recipient’s Address> Dear <Recipient’s Name>,   I am writing to ask about visit the White House on <group or person traveling> Is there a cost involved? Are reservations necessary? Are there security issues I must address? I would appreciate it if you would have a staff member contact me with … Read more

Sample Overpaid Taxes Letter

St. Louise, MI-6509 23-Feb-12 <Mention Recipient’s Address Here> Dear <Recipient’s Name>,   Currently, <I/We> have a tax audit scheduled for <date>. Unfortunately, circumstances have made it impossible for <me/us> to meet the requirements for the audit by that date. <I/We> <am/are> writing in the hopes that the date can be changed. <details> If possible, <I/We> … Read more

Sample Overpaid Taxes Letter

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St. Louise, MI-6509 23-Feb-12 <Mention Recipient’s Address Here> Dear <Recipient’s Name>,   For the tax year <year>, <I/we> have discovered that <I/we> overpaid <my/our> <federal/state> income tax. <I/We> paid <$amount>, while upon further calculation I should have only paid <$amount>. <I/we> believe this overpayment entitles <me/us> to a refund of the difference, <$amount>. Please feel … Read more