Sample Writing A Promotion Letter

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From: Mr. /Ms. ……………. (Sender’s Name) ……………………   (Designation) Letter No. ….. MD/Promotion/Mktg/1/2012 To: The Managing Director …………………. (Company Name) Dear Sir, Sub: Request for consideration for Promotion. 1. I have the honor to state that I have been serving meticulously for the past 4 years in the capacity of Manager Marketing. I have received good … Read more

Sample Sales Promotional Letter

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Date: 11 June 2012 Mr. Ryan Snipers, 25th Floor, High street,   NY-1908 Dear Mr. Ryan, Congratulations! This letter is in reference to inform you that you have been selected in the finals to win a trip for two for the world tour. I am sure you must be delighted and surprised to hear it. … Read more

Sample Promotion Thank You Letter

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Chairman Greenway Technologies Cape Town, South Africa Dear Sir, Warm greetings! I am very delighted on knowing the news of my promotion from the Company’s Personnel Manager. Firstly, I would like to thank you, for believing in me and entrusting this esteemed role and responsibility upon me to execute. This promotion has given me a … Read more

Sample Promotion Request Letter

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Mr. Andrews, Chairman, Magnum Technologies Dear Mr. Andrews, I have been working for the company for past 3 years and it gives me immense pleasure to tell you that I am very contented to work and contribute my efforts to the Magnum Technologies. I request you to give me a chance to present some changes … Read more

Sample Promotion Recommendation Letter

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Mr. Geoffrey John Managing Director, Protext software Solutions, California, US – 367496 Dear Mr. John, I would like to take the opportunity to offer an official recommendation for Mr. Mark Smith as the senior executive of Protext software Solutions in California branch. I have known Mark for past 4 years and I feel that he … Read more

Sample Promotion Letter to Manager Letter

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Date: 15th Jan 2012 Mr. Mark Smith, Chairman QMC Group California Dear Mr. Smith, Congratulations! I would like to inform you that we are pleased to promote you as Managing Director of QMC Group, California Branch. We have taken this decision after seeing your performance over past 12 years. You have been working with us … Read more

Sample Promotion Letters Template

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From: Sender’s Name Managing Director (Designation) …………………. (Company Name) Letter No. ….. MD/Promotion/Mktg/1/2012 To: Mr. /Ms. ……………. (Full Name) ……………………   (Designation) Dear Mr. /Ms. ………………. Appraisal of good performance of employee……………….. Promulgation of Promotion in specific grade and date of implementation promotion. Details of upgraded scale of pay & perks in new position. Exhortation for … Read more

Sample Promotion Letter Reply Letter

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Mr. Snipers, Chairman, Easy Home Appliances, Dear Mr. Snipers, It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that the business proposal which you have submitted us has been approved by our management board and we are glad to associate with your company. We have studied and verified your company’s background and you will be immensely … Read more

Sample Promotion Letter

From: Sender’s Name Designation …………………. (Company Name) Letter No. ….. MD/Promotion/Mktg/1/2012 To: Mr. /Ms ……………. (Full Name) ……………………   (Designation) Dear Mr. /Ms ………………. The Management has had occasion to review your performance as Marketing Manager during the past 3 years. Your Head of the Dept has forwarded a recommendation for your raise based on your … Read more