Sample Team Up With Our Business For Promotion Letter

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                                 Announcement of Program with Business Partner Contact [Contact details] Time – Headline –   Dateline – Date & Place of News Origin   [Company name] is pleased to announce a new program, [program name] in association with [business partner name] With this program, customers who [state conditions attached to offer] are entitled to [state … Read more

Sample Special During Certain Time Letter

                                 Announcement of Special Program –   Contact [Contact details] Time – Headline –   Dateline – Date & Place of News Origin   [Company name] happily announces a new & special program [name of the program]. With this new program, our customers who [state conditions attached to the program] gets [state here the benefits]. … Read more

Sample Publishing Something Letter

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                Announcement of Local Writer’s work selection for Publishing Contact [Contact details] Time – Headline –   Dateline – Date & Place of News Origin   [Name of the person], a writer by profession who has been working locally for [duration], has received a letter informing that his/her piece of work  – [Title of the … Read more

Sample Product Awards Letter

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                                   Announcement of Winning Corporate Award   Contact [Contact details] Time – Headline –   Dateline – Date & Place of News Origin [Company name] has been awarded the prestigious [award name] for [reasons the award was given]. Our company has received this honor for its [state product or service here]. – [Info on award … Read more

Sample New Job Letter

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                                 Announcement of Family Relocation Contact [Contact details] Time – Headline –   Dateline – Date & Place of News Origin   The [Family name] unhappily announce relocation from [area leaving] to [new area going to] on [date].   – [State reasons for relocation] –   People can contact us at our new address – … Read more

Sample Local Theater Performance Letter

                                           Local Theater Performance – Contact [Contact details] Time – Headline –   Dateline – Date & Place of News Origin   The audiences cheered the winning team at the [venue]. The competition was between two teams – [names of two teams].   [Winning team name] defeated the [losing team name].   – [Details of … Read more

Sample Local Sports Team Letter

                                           Local Theater Performance – Contact [Contact details] Time – Headline –   Dateline – Date & Place of News Origin   The audiences applauded crazily at the performance of [winning team’s name] that defeated [losing team’s name] on [date] in a game at [location]. – [Game details] –   – State here info about … Read more

Sample Layoffs Letter

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                          Announcement of Company Staff Layoffs Contact [Contact details] Time – Headline – Dateline – Date & Place of News Origin [Company name] has been a prey to the new virus and has sent its [no. of staff] on sick leave from [date]. –         [Position, and name] -, said – [state here reason for leave] … Read more

Sample Initial Public Offering Letter

                              Announcement of Public Issue of Business Contact [Contact details] Time – Headline –   Dateline – Date & Place of News Origin   [Business name], one of the leading companies in the field of [nature of business] is now going to offer its IPO – Initial Public Offering of stock on [date]. Our company … Read more

Sample Deaths Letter

                                          Announcement of Death Contact [Contact details] Time – Headline –   Dateline – Date & Place of News Origin   [Person who died], [relation to you], passed away on [day & date] at [time] at [place] at the age of [age]. He died of [cause of death]. – [Describe about the deceased person]   … Read more