Appreciation Letter to an Employee for Good Work or Honesty

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Whenever an employee has done a good work or has performed an act of honesty, it is worth appreciating him or her by writing an appreciation letter. The Samples Appreciation Letter To Employees is a very simple letter with an intention to praise the employee for the good job done. If you find yourself short … Read more

Notice of Error in Shipment And Request For Return Authorization

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Dear   This is to acknowledge the receipt of the above referenced order and to inform you that there is an error in the shipment. The merchandise I ordered was (specify) , while the merchandise I received is (specify) . Upon receiving your instructions for the return of goods, I will send same to you. … Read more

Notice of Application For Zoning Variance Exception or Permit

NOTICE OF APPLICATION AS SOLE TRADER TO:______________________________ ________(address)_____________ Pursuant to (state section and code), notice is hereby given of the intention of (individual) , a resident of County, State of , who is the wife of (name of husband), to apply to the (court) of the County of for a judgment declaring her a sole … Read more

Grant of Request For Extension of Time

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Dear   This is in reference to the request for extension of time. Thank you for your letter of (date) in which you explained the situations behind your request for an extension of time to remit your payment on invoice # We do appreciate your straightforwardness and have noted on your account that your payment … Read more

Friendly Apology For Late Payment

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Dear   Would you believe that we simply abhor writing letters such as this one? And we are sure that you also certainly won’t enjoy hearing from us under these conditions. I am, of course, referring to the fact that your account has fallen very far behind from the amount outstanding. We want you to … Read more

Explanation For Delay of Partial Shipment

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Dear   After complete investigation, I am certain of that we have found the source of the problem that created a misunderstanding on (date)   When we received your purchase order for (quantity, product), we were unable to fill the purchase order for instant delivery due to (explanation for delay in delivery). Our letter informing … Read more

Employee Suggestion For Company Meeting

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TO: FROM: SUBJECT:   Dear   There is a high amount of nervousness about the proposed merger with (name of company) that I can see the consequences in my division daily. I do not feel that the previous newsletter put out last week helped assuage the fears of the other employees.   I have faith … Read more