Demand That Future Payments Be By Certified Check

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Dear   After complete review and assessment of your loan account, it indicates that you have had three checks returned unpaid from your bank in just last month. While we regret having to take this unstoppable action, we must assert that all future payments on your loan be made with certified funds. Any payment which … Read more

Demand on Guarantor

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DEMAND ON GUARANTOR   Date: _   To: _   The undersigned is the holder of your guaranty wherein you guaranty the debt owed us by _. Please be guided that payments on said debt are in default. Consequently, demand is made upon you as a guarantor to fully pay the outstanding debt due us … Read more

Demand For Delivery

DEMAND FOR DELIVERY   Date: _   To: _ (Supplier)   Whereas the undersigned has now settled his accounts and has made full payment to you in the sum of $_, for all goods to be shipped pursuant to our order dated _, 20_; we request delivery of requested goods in accordance with our contract. … Read more

Demand For Acknowledgement of Shipping Dates

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DEMAND FOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SHIPPING DATES Date: _ To : _ (Supplier)   We hereby request that you agreed shipping arrangements pursuant to our order of _, 20_ and that you provide us with the assurance that you shall comply. Default in seasonable and sufficient assurance from you shall constitute a break of said contract … Read more

Demand by Secured Party For Possession of Collateral

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DEMAND BY SECURED PARTY FOR POSSESSION OF COLLATERAL Date: _   To: _ (Debtor)   This is to guide you that you are in default under our security agreement dated _, 20_, for the below mentioned reason(s): _ Accordingly, I demand that you surrender possession of the collateral to me at once as provided in … Read more

Demand of Coverage For Silly Topic Letter

123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 17, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, I wished to bring this to notice to your publication house. I am a regular reader of your publication and I have come across that there is no coverage and your publication constantly fails to allocate any editorial space … Read more