Top 7 Best Cover Letter Writing Tips & Advice

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Cover letter is complimentary to your CV. Job seekers normally attached their resume to their cover letter and send them out to potential recruiters. Such are letters introducing yourself to the potential employee by giving them a rough idea about your skills, qualifications and work experiences. Different organizations have different requirements. You need to write … Read more

Sample Employment Training Letter

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Mr. Patrick Bolton   12, Main St, Edmond’s Pl, London – AD7 4QP,   Dear Mr. Patrick Bolton,   Our company ‘High Target IT Services’, has decided to select you for the post of Sr. Software Programmer for which you gave an interview on the last Friday. We have assessed your knowledge and your job … Read more

Sample Employment Contract Termination Letter

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Mrs. Jordon Vinson Apt 34, Queens Residency, Eliza Rd, Manchester October 10, 2012 Dear Mrs. Vinson, We are sorry to inform you that in the last board meeting held on October 6, 2012, our company’s senior management has decided to end your contract of service with effect from October 20, 2012, and, a notice period … Read more

Sample Employment Contract Letter

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Ms. Nancy Peters 23, Park Street, Dr. Elizabeth Rd. Central London, England.   Dear Nancy, I am writing on behalf of the ‘Robert & David Inc.’ We are offering you the position of ‘Office Assistant’ in our company. We have gone through your resume and your credentials and we are very satisfied with your skills … Read more

Sample Employment Complaint Letter

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Mr. Anthony Parkinson Manager, MTI Syndicate Bank, San Jose, California August 10, 2012,   Mr. Parkinson, I am James Carlson, writing to you in regard to my account with your Bank. I have a savings account in your Bank – 323256. I recently applied for an account passbook in written on July 20, 2012. I … Read more

Sample Employment Application Letter

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To, Manager HRD, …………………………… (Company name) …………………………… (Address) …………………………… (City/Town) Zip ……………….. Phone/Mobile ……………….   Dear Sir, Sub: Recruitment of Manager Marketing. Ref: Your advertisement in USA Today   1. With reference to your job post, I want to express my interest to apply for this position and I am providing with complete details here. … Read more

Sample Employment Application Letter

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To, Manager HRD, …………………………… (Company name) …………………………… (Address) …………………………… (City/Town) Zip ……………….. Phone/Mobile ……………….   Dear Sir, Sub: Recruitment of Manager Marketing. Ref: Your advertisement in USA Today   1. With reference to your job post, I want to express my interest to apply for this position and I am providing with complete details here. … Read more

Sample Employment Acceptance Letter

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Mr. Charlie Brown, H.R. Manager High Rise Sales Corp. 23, Fr. Mathew Pl, Great River Rd., Fresno, California Mr. Brown, I am writing this letter to thank you for such a great opportunity you have given to me. I want to give you complete assurance that I will never let you down. I will handle … Read more

Sample Employment Cover Letter

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Mr. /Ms …………………. …………………………… (Address)   Dear Mr. /Ms …………, Sub: Employment offer – ‘Commercial Manager’ Ref: Your job application dated ……   We are pleased to inform you that we have appointed you for the post of ‘Commercial Manager’ for our new branch.   1. Please find the enclosed Appointment Letter No. (… …) … Read more