Sample Terminating Employee Due To Redundancy Letter

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Terminating Employee Due To Redundancy – [Name, Company Name & Address here] [Date]   Dear [name],   We are sorry to inform you that the management has decided to terminate your services with effect from [date].As you know that the ‘Vice President –Sales’ of this company, Mr. [name] has left his job one month ago, … Read more

Sample Warning 1 Bad Performance Letter

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Warning #1: Bad Performance To          –      [Individual/Group Name] From      –      [Sender Name] Date       –      […..]   Subject   –      [Nature of Bad Behavior]   [Employee name], you are a valued employee of our organization. We know that you work sincerely and dedicatedly. However, since the past [duration], you have not been able to meet our expectations. … Read more

Sample Notify Employee of Appreciation for Dedication and Extra Curricular Involvement Letter

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Appreciate Employee for Dedication and Extra-Curricular Involvement Message – To:                    [Employee Name] From:                [Sender] Date:                [….]   Subject:            [Mention appreciation subject here]   This is just a short note to tell you that how invaluable you have been to our company over these years. You have always been involved in all the company events and … Read more

Sample Excessive Use Of Company Phones For Personal Calls Letter

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EXCESSIVE USE OF COMPANY PHONES FOR PERSONAL CALLS [Name, Company Name & Address here] [Date]   Dear [name],   We want to say that we value you as an important asset of our organization. You have been working with us for more than [duration], and we are happy with your performance. However, there is one … Read more

Sample Warning 2-Bad Performance Letter

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Warning #2: Bad Performance To          –      [Individual/Group Name] From      –      [Sender Name] Date       –      […..]   Subject   –      [Employee Bad Behavior Nature]   [Employee name], as we discussed the [state issue] in the last month, I am really concerned about your performance which is continuously going down. For instance – For the past three months, … Read more

Sample Warning 2 Bad Behavior Letter

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Warning #2: Bad Behavior To          –      [Individual/Group Name] From      –      [Sender Name] Date       –      […..]   Subject   –      [Bad Behavior Nature]   [Employee name], it has come to my notice that – [State the incident or nature of bad behavior]. I was shocked to know that you – [describe the complete incident] -. It is … Read more

Sample Warning 1 Bad Behavior Letter

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Warning #1: Bad Behavior To          –      [Individual/Group Name] From      –      [Sender Name] Date       –      […..]   Subject   –      [State Bad Behavior Nature of employee]   We would like to say that we value you as an important part of our organization. We know that you really work hard for this company. You are a dedicated … Read more

Sample Unsolicited Reference Letter for Ex Employee Excellent Employee Letter

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Unsolicited Reference Letter for Ex-Employee: Excellent Employee To whom it may concern:   Sub – [Employee name]   [Employee name] was working in our company [Company name] as a [position] between [date] to [date]. During his/her tenure with us, he/she would report directly to me. His/her duties and responsibilities were to supervise the accounts division, … Read more

Sample Unsolicited Reference Letter for Ex Employee Average Employee Letter

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Unsolicited Reference Letter for Ex-Employee, Average Employee [Date] To whom it may concern:   Sub: [Employee name]   [Ex-employee name] was working in our company [Company name] as a [state position title] from [period of employment]. He/she worked here for [duration]. [Ex-employee name] was working under me. He/she was handling the accounts department in our … Read more

Sample Unsolicited Letter of Reference Excellent Employee Letter

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Unsolicited Letter of Reference: Excellent Employee [Date]   To Whom It May Concern: I am [name, designation], [Company name], have known [Employee name] for the last [duration]. [Employee first name] was working as a [post] in our company from [date] to [date]. His/her job responsibilities included setting and achieving sales targets. He/she was mainly responsible … Read more