Sample Unsolicited Reference Letter for Ex Employee Excellent Employee Letter

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Unsolicited Reference Letter for Ex-Employee: Excellent Employee

To whom it may concern:


Sub – [Employee name]


[Employee name] was working in our company [Company name] as a [position] between [date] to [date].

During his/her tenure with us, he/she would report directly to me. His/her duties and responsibilities were to supervise the accounts division, preparing, assessing and concluding our financial statements. He/she would also perform the role of PRO for our company, dealing with different offices and government bodies.

[Employee name] was very co-operative to the staff. He/she was a friendly, dedicated and hard working employee of this company. He/she was a true multi-tasking person, would handle different types of work in a single day, efficiently.

He/she was very dedicated to his/her duties and would complete the tasks timely.

I am very sure that [employee name] will definitely be a true asset to any company he/she goes to. We really regret that he/she decided to leave us, however it was time for him/her to find new challenging roles and move ahead in his/her career.




[Your name & Designation]

[Company name]

Encl: [Enclosures List here]

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