Referring a Friend for a Job Sample Letter Template 

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References are common in professional world. If there is an opening in your company and you feel that some of your friend or family member is suitable for the profile then you can always refer them. The referral letter template can be used for writing a letter of recommendation for a friend and colleague. The … Read more

Sample Work Reference letter

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To: Mr. Peter Roberts H.R. Manager, New State Insurance 154, York St, London – YG7 5KB 15th April, 2012   Dear Mr. Roberts, I am writing to you regarding the job application of Ms. Sheila White in your company. Ms. White is known to me for the past four years. She was working in the … Read more

Sample Trade Reference Letter

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From: Mr. Dean Wilson Sales Manager Ferguson Pharmaceuticals 52, Aaron Place, Greenway Dr., New York – 45216 To: Mr. Greg Jackson General Manager G. Fields Supplies 25, Oak Park, IL – 45125 February 14, 2012   Dear Mr. Jackson, I am writing in to inform you that recently we have extended our distributorship in your … Read more

Sample Tenant Reference Letter

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From; Mr. Jesus Brown 125, Eminent Residency J. Ford St, Washington D.C. – 45213   To: Mr. Todd Herald 25, Larry’s Place Washington D.C. – 45216 March 03, 2012   Dear Mr. Herald,   I am writing in reference to Mr. Brad Morgan. He told me that he is shifting to your place and hence, … Read more

Sample Teacher Reference Letter

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From: Dr. Mark Robinson   Principal Hayward High School 22nd Block, Golf St, New York – 45263   To: Mr. Andrew Vajna The Principal, St. Soldier School, 59, Yale St., New York – 45263 April 18, 2012   Dear Mr. Vajna, I am writing in reference to the job application of Mrs. Kimberly Gray for … Read more

Sample Student Reference Letter

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From: Pro. Judy Foster Mary’s College of Commerce 41-C, Palm St., London – SW7 5LH To: Mr. Calvin Hayes H.R. Manager Quick Accounts 44, New Shine Dr London – YH9 6 HB 18 March, 2012   Dear Mr. Hayes, I am writing in support of the job application of Mr. Alex West. He has applied … Read more

Sample Scholarship Reference Letter

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From: Mr. Edward Harrison Chemistry Professor, Gates College 2nd Cross, Ferguson Dr, Los Angeles, C.A. – 45263 To: Mr. Patrick Cox The Principal, Osborne University 45, Carlson St, Logan Dr, Los Angeles, C.A. – 45263 May 17, 2012   Dear Mr. Cox, I am writing in to recommend a student of our institution, ‘Gates College’ … Read more