Sample Welcome New Employee Letter

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To: <recipient(s)> From: William Kent cc: Date: 07/01/2012 Subject: <subject of memo> Please join me in welcoming <name of new person> who <job description>. <First name> <background.> <Optional additional information.> Please introduce yourself to <First name> and make <him/her> feel welcome at XYZ Company. Download Sample Welcome New Employee Letter In Word Format Top Sample … Read more

Sample Thank You For Suggestion Letter

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To: <recipient(s)> From: Jack Brown cc: Date: 12/12/12 Subject: <subject of memo> Thank you for taking the time to submit your suggestion regarding <employee suggestion>. We really appreciate our employees taking an interest in our <company/organization>. < Mention the reason(s) of not implementing suggestions>. Please don’t be shy to pass on any other suggestions you … Read more

Sample Request For Support For Charity Drive Letter

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To: <recipient(s)> From: Tom Hanks cc: Date: 07/01/12 Subject: <subject of memo> XYZ Company is happy by seeing the level of support its employees have shown toward assisting others. Whether on a private volunteer level or through the company giving program, our employees play a vital and contributing factor in helping our community. XYZ Company … Read more

Sample Recommendation Letter

To: <recipient(s)> From: Jacob White cc: Date: 05/1/12 Subject: <subject of memo> I would like to recommend that <recommendation.> The advantages of <required actions> are as follows: – <list of benefits> <Next step.> Download Sample Recommendation Letter In Word Format Other Related of Recommendation Letter Format Recommendation Letter From EmployerRecommendation Letter for PromotionRecommendation Letter For … Read more

Sample Promotion Announcement Letter

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To: <recipient(s)> From: Joseph Brown cc: Date: 06/1/12 Subject: <subject of memo> I’m happy to inform that <employee’s name> has been promoted to <new position>. <First name of employee> has been with XYZ Company for <term> as <previous job title(s)>. <Optional additional information.> In <his/her> new position, <he/she> will be responsible for <new job responsibilities>. … Read more

Sample Meeting Recap And Aassignments Letter

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To: <recipient(s)> From: Tom Hanks cc: Date: 01/04/12 Subject: <subject of memo> Following is the summary of the <conclusions/decisions/action items/recommendations> that came out of our <date of meeting> meeting on <subject of meeting>. – <list of recommendations> <Optional table of action items.> Download Sample Meeting Recap And Aassignments Letter In Word Format Top Sample Letters … Read more

Sample Meeting And Agenda Memo Letter

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To: <recipient(s)> From: Tom Hans cc: Date: 04/01/12 Subject: <subject of memo> A meeting has been scheduled for <meeting’s date and time>, <venue of meeting>. The meeting is scheduled to last <duration of meeting>. The agenda of the meeting is <meeting’s agenda>. <Optional description of topics or purpose.> <Optional directions.> Download Sample Meeting And Agenda … Read more

Sample Formal Warning About Policy Infraction Letter

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Here, Town, MA 223464 04/1/12 <Address of the Recipient> Hello, As we discussed in our meeting <time of meeting>, <review topic of discussion>. There often are mitigating conditions that cause us to break company policy from time to time, but when the behavior is frequent, it causes a hardship on co-workers and decreases overall productivity. … Read more

Sample Explaining Why Work Is Late Letter

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To: <recipient(s)> From: David Taylor cc: Date: 09/09/12 Subject: <subject of memo> I feel sorry to inform you that <project or report name> will not be completed by <date of deadline>. I believe it will be finished by <expected new completion date>. The <reason/reasons> for delay <is/are> <reason(s).> I believe we can make the <expected … Read more

Sample Employee Reference For Average Employee Letter

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Here, Town, MA 223464 04/01/12 <Address of the Recipient> Hello, This letter is a response to your request for a reference for <employee name>, who worked for XYZ Company as <job title> from <range of dates>. During that time, <he/she> performed all <his/her> major duties as required and had no problem cooperating with <his/her> co-workers. … Read more