Apology Letter for Damaging a Fruit Tree Sample Format

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If you have or someone from your family has damaged a fruit tree of someone then it is important to write an apology letter for damaging a fruit tree. This is going to be a simple letter which will include an apology for the damage. It is also a good idea to offer some amount … Read more

Apology Letter to the Principal for Ragging in School

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The cases of ragging in schools and colleges have been increasing with an alarming rate. These cases require immediate action to be taken against the defaulters before the matter is taken to the court of law. A student accused of ragging should apologize to the aggrieved student and their family, and the school authorities. An … Read more

Apology Letter Format for Sleeping on Duty

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Sleeping at work is not justified and if in case you have been caught sleeping during working hours then you must have a good reason for it. In such a situation, it is important to write an apology letter to your boss for sleeping at work. Application for apology for sleeping while in night shift … Read more

Apology Letter to Customer for Short Shipment

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No matter how hard we try, sometimes it happens that despite all our efforts, errors surface. If any of your customer has faced short shipment then then you must write an apology letter for shipment of goods in order to express your apology for the short shipment. It is a great idea to always follow … Read more

Apology Etiquette: The Art of Apology Letter Writing

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As long as you are living in a society you are bound to hurt and be hurt by others. It is a universal phenomenon. But you may always get out of it by apologizing. Apologize in person. And if it does not work, go down the other route of sending apology letters as follow-up. Admitting … Read more

Sample I Am Sorry Apology Sorry Letters

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Kritika Jain 73, Pal Road Surat 17th February, 2007. Dear Kritika, Firstly, wish you a very happy birthday dear. I understand that your very upset with me, and I am really very sorry for forgetting your special day, your birthday. I know apologizing can never compensate for it. But, I wish you can consider and … Read more

Sample Father Apology Sorry Letters

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Chandlier Phelps, 4563 323 Brook Avenue Brooklyn 5th May 2009 Dear Daddy, I understand your worry for Joe and I am genuinely very sorry for letting him drink and drive till home. Actually, Joseph had arranged a birthday party yesterday for our sister Grace at the Hotel Sunset. I continuously kept an eye on him, … Read more

Sample Wife Apology Sorry Letters

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Victoria Browns, Kingston Road 1414141, West Dakota, IL Dearest Victoria, I am writing this letter to express my apology for letting you go through the birth of our baby daughter without me beside you. I never meant to be away at the time of baby’s coming. My boss came to the office yesterday morning and … Read more

Sample Uncle Apology Sorry Letters

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May 27, 2008 Mr. James Conary 3994 Hollywood Rodeo Drive, Ca 9944 Dear Uncle James, I would like to say sorry for the unpleasant incident that happened yesterday. I had got back from school and Cousin Mariah told me that the letters sent to you had some family secrets. Due to inquisitiveness I opened and … Read more