Demand For Delivery

DEMAND FOR DELIVERY   Date: _   To: _ (Supplier)   Whereas the undersigned has now settled his accounts and has made full payment to you in the sum of $_, for all goods to be shipped pursuant to our order dated _, 20_; we request delivery of requested goods in accordance with our contract. … Read more

Acceptance of Order With Delivery in Lots

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ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER WITH DELIVERY IN LOTS Date: _ To: _ (Customer) This is in reference to your order placed with us. We acknowledge acceptance of your order as per your order of _, 20_. The goods will be shipped and delivered to you in the following lots: (Specify lots and delivery schedule) _ We … Read more

Rejection of Shipment Due To Late Delivery Letter

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Rejection of Shipment Due To Late Delivery   [Name, Company Name & Address here] [Date] Dear [name], We have received the shipment for our order of [product name], dated [date]. Please note that this consignment is of no use to us now as we needed it before [date]. When I placed this order, I was … Read more