Letter to Announce Closing of an Office to Financial Problem

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If an owner of the company has decided to close the officer because of financial problems then the same should be communicated to the employees as well and for doing that a formal Letter Announcing Office Closing due to Financial Problem should be written. The Office Closing Announcement Letter is a simple letter that appreciates … Read more

Announcement of New Discount

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Dear Customer,   On the occasion of Christmas and New Year we would like to inform you with great pleasure that we have recently opened one more branch of our store in [city]. This is a tie up with [store name]. You can now buy our products from that store also. Also, we are giving … Read more

Announcement of Acquisition

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Announcement of Acquisition [DATE, ex. Tuesday, February 21, 2012]   [NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. Bob Travolta Larson & Co, 123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code]   Dear [NAME, ex. Bob Travolta],   We are glad to state that we have recently acquired [DESCRIBE BUSINESS ACQUIRED, ex. the business assets of XYZ Co.] … Read more

Announcement of Special Discount Offer

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Dear   This is to announce our 15% Special Discount Offer that we are making on all orders for the following items for the month of (month) only: __________________________________________________ This 15% discount shall be available on any order placed for delivery from (date) through (date. This is our small way of saying thank you to … Read more

Announcement of Price Reduction

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Dear   Once in a blue moon do we have the opportunity to inform our valued customers of such great news. The legislature’s tariff ruling which was handed down on April 15th, 2012, has made it possible for our company to reduce our list price for Egyptian cotton. Effective as of May 15, 2012, all … Read more

Announcement of Partnership Buyout

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Dear   This is to bring to your notice that I have purchased all of the interest of my previous partner, (name), and that he will no longer be associated with the company of (name of company) Nonetheless, our business will continue to provide the same high quality products and services to all our clients … Read more

Announcement of New Pricing Policy

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Dear As you are aware that our previous policy was supplying ice to our clients when their ice machine broken down. Because we have many clients who are paying later and later, we are forced to set down our major company policies. Our new policy will go into effect from May 11, 2012, and is … Read more