Announcement of New Business Opening

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Gentlemen: This is to inform you that The (Name of the Company) is now open and is located at 2345 St. Avenue Road, New York. Our new store will provide a complete and varied line of computer software packages for both personal and business application. Since we do not represent any particular computer hardware manufacturer, … Read more

Announcement of Change of Address

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Dear Gentlemen,   As of Tuesday, April 22, 2012, Global Solutions of America’s South Western Regional Office will be relocated in our new offices and warehouse building at 234 South Lost, New York 23498. The telephone number for this new office shall be (312) 222-3333. However, Our Manufacturing Department will remain at the same location, … Read more

Announcement of New Area Representative Visit

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Dear We would like to bring it to your kind notice and it gives me a great pleasure to introduce our (name of new sales executive) will now be representing our firm in your area. (Name of individual) has been responsible for managing our accounts department in (locale) for some time and is extremely knowledgeable … Read more

Announcement of Clearance Sales

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(Name of Company)   Is very pleased to announce our   11th ANNUAL SUMMER CLEARANCE EXHIBITION CUM SALE Offering Up to 50% Off On All Summer Merchandise Including Designer Fashions The sale will commence from May 15, 2012 and end on May 19, 2012 We Hope To See You At the Sale! Happy Shopping! Announcement … Read more

Announcement of New Area Representative Visit

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Dear We have appointed (name of appointed person) as our new appointed person for your area. (Name of appointed person) has been with our company for quite some time and is extremely experienced in all aspects of our production. (Name of appointed person) will be coming to (name of city) on (date) and will be … Read more