Most Appropriate Business Letter Writing Etiquette

Business letters are important. They convey business communication where the tone is normally kept formal. As a business professional you require a very good understanding of the kind of relationship you hold with your colleagues, clients, vendors or suppliers. However, with the influx of the new media where email and instant messaging are on hot … Read more

Business Termination Letter

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To: Mr. Sean Peterson Chairman Caffman Electronics 1239, South Plaza, New York, USA February 25, 2012 Dear Sir, Sub: Termination of our Business Contract. Ref: Our Business Contract dated 11 July 2012. This is to notify that we are terminating our Business Contract under Ref for supply of Medical Equipments with effect from March 1, 2012 … Read more

Business Thank You Letter

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To: (Managing Director) (Bright star Computer Networks) (45, Adolf Street) (Providence) (February 23, 2012) Dear (Mr. Smith), I would like to thank you for doing business with our company (Smith Indus.) We are very pleased with the quality services provided by your association. We would be glad to continue doing business with you in the … Read more

Inquiry to Government About New Business Requirement

1234, Main Street Boston, MA 02123 03/17/05 <Recipient Address Goes Here> Hello. I am planning on opening a <type of business> in <location> in <month, year>. Could you please send me any information you might have regarding: – Licensing – Tax regulations – Additional agencies involved with my industry Please advise if there are additional … Read more

Inquiry About Membership in Business Association

123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code May 19, 2012 (Mention Recipient’s Address Here) Hello. I heard about (name of the company) through (name of the reference). Our company is an established member of the business community, but doesn’t afford me the opportunity to meet with people outside our industry. In order to broaden … Read more

Congratulations to New Business

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Dear   Heartiest Congratulations on the opening of your new gallery. As we all are aware that every business requires a good bookkeeping system, and have developed complete programs for businesses of all sizes. While some systems are more extensive than others, they all have a mutual goal; to minimize paperwork, conserve time spent on … Read more

Business Credit Application

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BUSINESS CREDIT APPLICATION   Corporate Name _ Date _ Address _ City _ State _ Zip _ Owner/Manager _ Tel.No. _ How long in business _ D & B Rated _ Trade References: Name 1_ Address _ Name 2_ Address _ Name 3_ Address _ Name 4_ Address _ Bank References: Name 1_ Address _ … Read more

Business Credit Application Form

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BUSINESS CREDIT APPLICATION   Corporate Name __________________________________Date______________ Address______________________City__________State_________Zip_____ Owner/Manager_______________________________Tel.No.______________ How long is in business ________________________D & B Rated__________ Trade References: Name 1_______________________________Address_______________________ Name 2_______________________________Address_______________________ Name 3_______________________________Address_______________________ Name 4_______________________________Address_______________________ Bank References: Name 1_______________________________Address_______________________ Name 2_______________________________Address_______________________ Credit line requested $_________________________________ Pending lawsuits against Company: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________   The undersigned authorizes inquiry as to credit information. We … Read more