Letter Example Announcing a New Business Location

If you are changing the location of new business then you must inform everyone about the same by writing a letter announcing the location of new business. Such a letter is supposed to be short and sweet and must include the details about the location and about the opening. Shared in this post is the … Read more

Request Letter to Advertise your Business in Magazine, Newspaper

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In order to take your business to new heights, it is important that you advertise about it on different platforms so that more and more people know about it. And in order to do that you can always write a request letter to magazine, newspaper and TV for advertisement. The idea is to know introduce … Read more

Compliment Business Letter Sample | Format, Example

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A compliment business letter can be written to appreciate the cause and work of a business. Such compliments might seem a small deal for us but is a very big achievement for the team that is running the business. It serves as a motivation to keep up with the good work. Here is a compliment … Read more

Top 10 Differences Between Business Letter & Personal Letter

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Written communications are very different from verbal ones. And when it comes to personal and professional writing both are completely different poles.  A proper business communication requires being set according to professional courtesy. There are certain predetermined organizational structures that need to be followed. Personal written communication on the other hand does not require following … Read more

8 Most Useful Etiquette in Business Writing Letter

Etiquettes in the business world are quite different from normal lifestyle. Your presentation matters a lot as it directly indicates your strength in business. Your first impression is hence very crucial.  In the same way, writing in business also depicts a lot about your personality. However, in writing, since it is impossible to express your … Read more

Most Appropriate Business Letter Writing Etiquette

Business letters are important. They convey business communication where the tone is normally kept formal. As a business professional you require a very good understanding of the kind of relationship you hold with your colleagues, clients, vendors or suppliers. However, with the influx of the new media where email and instant messaging are on hot … Read more

How to Write Effective Business Letters with Right Etiquette

Letter writing is very important in business communication. It is considered as one of the basic advertisement strategy adopted by companies. However, writing requires a lot of skills and techniques especially while writing formal letters. The key to successful business is mastering the mechanics of language but sadly, not many are quite acquitted to this … Read more

Effective Letter Closing Etiquette | Business Letter Closing

Wrapping up your letter with the appropriate closing is as important as the main body. You need to be extra careful and picky to help your closing carry the right sentiment. Different letters carry different impression to the recipient. Whether your letter is formal, friendly or intimate, closing serve as a stopping point for your … Read more

Basic Etiquette for Professional Business Letter Writing

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Professional little writing is different from normal writing. They need to be concise, accurate, unambiguous, logical and above all easily understandable. Effective delivery of information is what counts in the business world. And when it is communicated through writing it holds a different level of significance. Hence, it is crucial to every business personnel to … Read more