Top 10 Differences Between Business Letter & Personal Letter

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Written communications are very different from verbal ones. And when it comes to personal and professional writing both are completely different poles.  A proper business communication requires being set according to professional courtesy. There are certain predetermined organizational structures that need to be followed. Personal written communication on the other hand does not require following … Read more

8 Most Useful Etiquette in Business Writing Letter

Etiquettes in the business world are quite different from normal lifestyle. Your presentation matters a lot as it directly indicates your strength in business. Your first impression is hence very crucial.  In the same way, writing in business also depicts a lot about your personality. However, in writing, since it is impossible to express your … Read more

Most Appropriate Business Letter Writing Etiquette

Business letters are important. They convey business communication where the tone is normally kept formal. As a business professional you require a very good understanding of the kind of relationship you hold with your colleagues, clients, vendors or suppliers. However, with the influx of the new media where email and instant messaging are on hot … Read more