Application Letter for the Post of Waitress in Restaurant

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If you wish to apply for the post of waiter or waitress in a restaurant then you are supposed to be submitting an Application for Employment as Waiter in Restaurant or Hotel. The Short application letter for Waiter position makes an uncomplicated letter that highlights your experience and skills that are necessary for the profile. … Read more

Top 10 Differences Between Business Letter & Personal Letter

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Written communications are very different from verbal ones. And when it comes to personal and professional writing both are completely different poles.  A proper business communication requires being set according to professional courtesy. There are certain predetermined organizational structures that need to be followed. Personal written communication on the other hand does not require following … Read more

Basic Etiquette for Professional Business Letter Writing

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Professional little writing is different from normal writing. They need to be concise, accurate, unambiguous, logical and above all easily understandable. Effective delivery of information is what counts in the business world. And when it is communicated through writing it holds a different level of significance. Hence, it is crucial to every business personnel to … Read more

Sample Business Application Letter

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To: The Administrative Officer Honda- Global Computers Pvt. Ltd 13th Palmdale Street,   London 478562 Phone: 785642362 Dear Sir, Sub: Annual Contract for Car Lease. Ref:  Our Letter of Tariff date 20th Nov’09. You have been our esteemed client for Car Rentals for the past 4 years where-in you are taking our cars on rent on … Read more