Tips to Resignation Letter Writing Etiquette

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Offering your resignation letter to the company you are working for means the end of your professional relationship with the organization. After all those years of working, your resignation becomes a sensitive issue and you must be able to play the card right. Proper resignation etiquette hence comes a long way. You may not want … Read more

Good Etiquette: Thank You Letter Writing Dos and Don’ts

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Thank you is an expression of appreciation and when you express it in written, the gravity is further enhanced. Imperfect letters with heartfelt sentiments are always better than perfect ones never sent. Thank-you notes are normally sent in situations such as wedding gifts, bridal shower and baby shower gifts, holiday, birthday, bar/bat mitzvah, graduation, and … Read more

Etiquette to Writing Thank You Email after a Job Interview

Thank you notes serve a very efficient purpose in business communication. Irrespective of the medium in which it is sent, be it email, a typed letter or a note card sent through snail mail, it holds the same importance in every medium. When you are able to take out time to thank the interviewer, he/she … Read more

Right Etiquette to Follow for Requesting Recommendation Letter from Teachers

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Letters of recommendation is one of the most important documents you require to gather during your college admissions procedure. Your teachers are normally the most reliable figures you need to approach to for persuasive letter of recommendation writing to get admitted to the desired institute. Such letters should include the course you are applying to … Read more

Requesting Letter of Recommendation: The Right Etiquette

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Letter of recommendation mostly runs in educational institutions. Professors seem to take such letters very seriously. The reason being it endorses the quality of the student, integrity of the professor and of course the university. Recommendation letters are important because if any student goes otherwise against the vested interest of the institute, the entire university’s … Read more

Perfect Etiquette to Writing Thank You Note

Thank you note is about expressing gratitude. This simple concept is used to express appreciation in lieu of something good done to you or for a certain gift received. However, these notes can be intimidating at times. They are a way of saying how you feel about the gift and how was it helpful to … Read more

8 Most Useful Etiquette in Business Writing Letter

Etiquettes in the business world are quite different from normal lifestyle. Your presentation matters a lot as it directly indicates your strength in business. Your first impression is hence very crucial.  In the same way, writing in business also depicts a lot about your personality. However, in writing, since it is impossible to express your … Read more

Most Useful Etiquette to Write Graduation Congratulations Letter

Graduating from high school or college is like achieving a milestone in a student’s life. Congratulating on this happy occasion matters a lot to the student and deserves a huge celebration. Proper etiquette demands to be extremely supportive and make him/her feel special. Graduation congratulations letters are a common entity used today. Be it your … Read more

Romance Love Letter Etiquette: Love Letter Ideas, Tips

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Love letters help you step out of your comfort zone and reveal your deepest feelings in front of your loved ones. Love letters have always been considered as the epitome of romance since ages. However, this classic approach seems to be rather dead today. History has witnessed several examples of 18th century romantics penning down … Read more

Most Appropriate Business Letter Writing Etiquette

Business letters are important. They convey business communication where the tone is normally kept formal. As a business professional you require a very good understanding of the kind of relationship you hold with your colleagues, clients, vendors or suppliers. However, with the influx of the new media where email and instant messaging are on hot … Read more