Etiquette to Writing Thank You Email after a Job Interview

Thank you notes serve a very efficient purpose in business communication. Irrespective of the medium in which it is sent, be it email, a typed letter or a note card sent through snail mail, it holds the same importance in every medium. When you are able to take out time to thank the interviewer, he/she … Read more

Importance of Thank You Letter in Business Communication

The act of expressing ‘thank you’ is considered as one of the best gesture in both personal professional bonds. As they say, ‘a gentleman always writes a thank you note’. It is the perfect code of conduct when you are benefited by someone. In the business world, thank you letters acts as a self-marketing tool … Read more

Job Thank you Letter

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To: (Personnel Manager) (Softwood Software Designs) (34-Los Angeles) February 8, 2012) Dear (Mr. Smith), I would like to earnestly thank you for selecting me for the job of (Senior Software Engineer) in your firm. I thank you once again for giving me the opportunity to prove my mettle and would like to reassure you of … Read more