School Acceptance Letter

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School Acceptance Letter From: [Sean Peterson] [D- South Society, Garden Road, Ottawa, Canada] To: [The Principal] [Welcome School] [Canada] [February 22, 2012] Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter to thank you for accepting my application. It is a matter of great pride and honor that my application is accepted for the admission into (Welcome … Read more

Job Acceptance Letter Template

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Receiver’s Name Receiver’s Designation Company Name Dear Mr. /Ms. /Mrs. (first name of the receiver), Thank you! This is with intense pleasure to receive the confirmation of the job. I am writing this letter with reference (talk about reference clearly) to confirm the acceptance of your offered (mention details of designation) job. I will be … Read more

Acceptance Letter Template

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To: [Managing Director] [Bright star Computer Networks] [Columbia] [February 22, 2012]. Dear Sir/Madam, I am glad to inform you that I accept the job of [Sales Manager] in your organization. I am looking forward to a challenging and successful career in [Bright Star]. As I mentioned earlier, I will be able to join the work … Read more

Notice of Defects in Goods After Acceptance

DEFECTS IN GOODS AFTER ACCEPTANCE   To:…………………….. ……… (address)……..   Notice is hereby given that on (date of delivery), I accepted the tender of (merchandise delivered) under our contract for purchase dated (date). That beginning on (date) and continuing to the present date, the following defects in the above mentioned goods have become manifest: (set … Read more

Confirmation of Acceptance of Employee Suggestion

Dear   We are writing this letter to confirm the acceptance of the suggestion. Your suggestion that we recycle the trims from our vinyl production has been analyzed and found to be an extremely viable idea. This recycling process, which will be implemented in six to eight weeks from now, will result in direct savings … Read more

Acknowledgement And Acceptance of Order

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER Date: _   To: _ (Customer)   This is to acknowledge you that we are in receipt of your order as contained in the attached purchase order form. We confirm acceptance on said order subject only to the following exceptions: (Describe) _ On exceptions noted, we shall assume you agree … Read more

Acceptance of Order With Delivery in Lots

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ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER WITH DELIVERY IN LOTS Date: _ To: _ (Customer) This is in reference to your order placed with us. We acknowledge acceptance of your order as per your order of _, 20_. The goods will be shipped and delivered to you in the following lots: (Specify lots and delivery schedule) _ We … Read more

Acceptance of Counter Proposal

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Dear   The counter proposal of your company on the above mentioned project has been reviewed and is acceptable in its totality. We are enclosing a completed copy of the agreement along with two copies for your files. We are eagerly looking forward to this project and are very pleased about having the opportunity to … Read more

Confirmation Letter Acceptance Term Letter

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 23, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, Thank you for [nature of business]. Our understanding is as follows: – [terms and conditions of the agreement] [Optional invoice paragraph.] I’ll call you [time frame] [how to proceed]. We look forward to doing business with you. Thanking you, … Read more

Sample Unqualified Job Offer Acceptance General Letters

Unqualified Job Offer Acceptance   [DATE]   [Company Name & Address]   Dear [Name],   I am very pleased to accept the job offer made by your company, [name of Company].   I am happy with the terms & conditions – [State here terms] – e.g., the remuneration of $50,000 with benefits like insurance and … Read more