Notice of Defects in Goods After Acceptance

DEFECTS IN GOODS AFTER ACCEPTANCE   To:…………………….. ……… (address)……..   Notice is hereby given that on (date of delivery), I accepted the tender of (merchandise delivered) under our contract for purchase dated (date). That beginning on (date) and continuing to the present date, the following defects in the above mentioned goods have become manifest: (set … Read more

New Salesman Follow Up Letter After First Meeting

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Dear   Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet with you and members of your staff. I know that (ex-salesman) serviced your account for many years and made many good friends at your firm. While his presence will be missed, I can promise that you will continue to receive the fine service that … Read more

Follow Up After a Quote Letter

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To: (General Manager) (Fun Entertainment Inc.) (Florida) (May 19, 2012) Dear (Mr. Smith), Greetings! This letter is in reference to the quote for (the latest software systems) given to your corporation on (May 2, 2012). We have not yet received any response on the same. We look forward to hearing a positive response from you. … Read more

Apology After Cancellation of Order

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Dear This is in relation to receipt of your letter of dated (date) wherein you set forth your reasons for canceling your purchase order no. # I would like to apologize for the misunderstanding caused between us which took matter to the cancellation. I have taken this matter up with management in order to ensure … Read more

Follow Up After Requested Information Or Sample Sent Letter

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 23, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, I hope you have received your <requested item> that you ordered. I hope you’ve had adequate time to <do the right thing>. I’m writing to know your feedback and to consider the following: – <list of key selling points> … Read more

Follow up Letter After Meeting Letter

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 23, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, I would like to thank you for taking the time to meet with me [date or day]. The meeting was very useful and gave me a lot of ideas on how we can work together to meet your goals. … Read more

Sample Announcement of Retirement After Long Service Letter

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                         Announcement of Retirement after Long Service   Contact [Contact details] Time – Headline –   Dateline – Date & Place of News Origin   [Company name] unwillingly announces the retirement of [retiring employee name] after [duration of service] with us.   During his/her long career, he/she contributed to the success of company in every … Read more