Apology/Excuse Letter Example for Not Attending Meeting

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Sometimes because of certain circumstances, we are unable to attend an event or meeting and in such a situation, it is extremely important to write an excuse letter for not attending meetings. This kind of apology letter is a short application for not attending meeting that expresses our regret along with the reason because of … Read more

Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders

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Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders of (name of corporation)   Dear Shareholder: Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the shareholders of (name of the company), a (state) company, will be held at (address), (city), (state), on (date), at (time) The following business will be transacted at the meeting: 1. 2. 3. … Read more

New Salesman Follow Up Letter After First Meeting

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Dear   Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet with you and members of your staff. I know that (ex-salesman) serviced your account for many years and made many good friends at your firm. While his presence will be missed, I can promise that you will continue to receive the fine service that … Read more

Acknowledgement of Change in Meeting Date

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Dear   This is in reference to letter received from your end regarding change in time of meeting. After a pursuant to your request, we have changed your meeting with (name of the individual) to (time), on (date) We are very pleased to be able to accommodate you in this regard, and (name of the … Read more

Apology For Delayed Response Request For Meeting

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Gentlemen:   This is to inform you that we are unable to make delivery on the above referenced purchase order on the date indicated. We ought to have your merchandise ready to be shipped within next 7 days of the original delivery date and we hope that you can hold off until that time. We … Read more

To Prospective Client Following Up On Meeting Letter

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To Potential Customer Following Up On Meeting   [DATE, ex. Thursday, February 2, 2012]     [RECEIVER’S NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. Sean Peterson ABC Co. 123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code]   Dear [NAME, ex. Seam Peterson],   I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule … Read more

To Prospective Client Following Up On Meeting Aggressive Tone Letter

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To Potential Customer Following Up On Meeting   [DATE, ex. Thursday, February 2, 2012]     [RECEIVER’S NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. Sean Peterson ABC Co. 123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code]   Dear [NAME, ex. Seam Peterson],   I would like to thank you for taking the time to meet with me. … Read more

Setting up First Face to Face Meeting Letter

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 23, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, [Details of prospect situation.] [Give details of what you are offering.] [Description of Benefits of your product or service.] I understand you keep a busy schedule if I didn’t truly believe [how you can facilitate]. I will call you … Read more

Proposing Meeting to Finalize Transaction Letter

123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 23, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, Though we have discussed most of the details of our proposal, but I would still like to meet you [proposed time] to discuss [purpose of meeting] face to face. I will not take much of your time, the meeting … Read more

Need to Reschedule Meeting or Appointment Letter

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123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code February 25, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, Due to some unavoidable work, I regret to inform you that I have to reschedule our [meeting or appointment] which was supposed to be held on [original time and place]. [Describe the Reason(s) and explanation(s) of reschedule.] I will … Read more