Confirmation of Extension of Payment Date

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Dear   This is in reference to our earlier telephonic conversation. This will acknowledge our telephone conversation of this date. As was mentioned specifically in our letter dated (date), we should be receiving our financing by (date) In view of the above, we would appreciate your extending the date for our payment of the account … Read more

Acknowledgement of Change in Meeting Date

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Dear   This is in reference to letter received from your end regarding change in time of meeting. After a pursuant to your request, we have changed your meeting with (name of the individual) to (time), on (date) We are very pleased to be able to accommodate you in this regard, and (name of the … Read more

Thanks For The Worst First Date Ever Letter

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I am sorry to say but this was the worst date ever. Usually, I don’t prefer doing this sort of date on short acquaintance, but our date was so astonishingly terrible and I had no other option of letting you know my feelings. From the moment we arrived at [place of date], I knew something’s … Read more