Application For Extension Of Maternity Leave For Child Care

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The concept of maternity leaves gives mothers a chance to be there with their younger ones after delivery but sometimes the maternity leaves seem to end too fast. If you are seeking extension of maternity leave due to COVID or otherwise then you can write an application for child care leave. The maternity leave extension … Read more

Grant of Request For Extension of Time

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Dear   This is in reference to the request for extension of time. Thank you for your letter of (date) in which you explained the situations behind your request for an extension of time to remit your payment on invoice # We do appreciate your straightforwardness and have noted on your account that your payment … Read more

Extension of Lease

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EXTENSION OF LEASE     EXTENSION AGREEMENT made by and between .. (Landlord), and .. (Tenant), relative to a certain lease agreement for premises known as .., and dated .., 20.. (Lease). For good consideration, Landlord and Tenant each agree to extend the term of said Lease for a period of (..) years commencing on … Read more

Denial of Request For Extension of Time

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Dear   This is in reference to your letter received dated (date), in which you requested a three month extension on your (type of) loan, number (number) After complete assessment, we are sorry to inform you that we are unable to grant you any further extensions for the payment on your loan. We are sorry … Read more

Credit Extension to Past Due Preferred Customer

Dear   Our credit department has notified me that your account is past due. You are one of our preferred clients and therefore we want to offer any assistance we can. We know that most overdue balances result from clerical errors. However, should you require additional time to settle your balance, please feel free to … Read more

Confirmation of Extension of Payment Date

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Dear   This is in reference to our earlier telephonic conversation. This will acknowledge our telephone conversation of this date. As was mentioned specifically in our letter dated (date), we should be receiving our financing by (date) In view of the above, we would appreciate your extending the date for our payment of the account … Read more

Apology And Request For Extension of Time to Deliver Goods

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Dear   This is to inform you that we are in receipt of your notice whereby you mentioned that the goods shipped to you on (date) did not conform to our agreement dated (date). We would like to apologize for this unintentional mistake on our part, the reasons for which were (explanation) While we recognize … Read more