Deliveries Held Until Past Due Balance Paid

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Dear   Due to the difficulties we have been experiencing lately in obtaining your payment for the goods we have delivered in agreement with the provisions of our contract of (date), we should inform you that we will not be able to send or provide delivery further for any more goods to you unless you … Read more

Credit Extension to Past Due Preferred Customer

Dear   Our credit department has notified me that your account is past due. You are one of our preferred clients and therefore we want to offer any assistance we can. We know that most overdue balances result from clerical errors. However, should you require additional time to settle your balance, please feel free to … Read more

Apology For Accounting Errors And Past Due Notices

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Dear   You surely deserve an explanation for all what went wrong from our accounting division, and I hope that this letter will answer all your queries and resolve our recent difficulties. I hope you will appreciate the fact that it has taken some time to find out exactly what happened, and, therefore, we request … Read more