Corrections to Derogatory Credit Report

Gentlemen:   Pursuant to your request as to a clarification on the apparent derogatory findings in your review of my credit history, I am submitting this correspondence for your consideration, as well as the lender concerned. Please be advised as mentioned below: 1. The account held in the name of Peter K. Smith with Good … Read more

Confirmation of Telephone Report of Problem

Dear   This letter will serve to confirm our agreement regarding your purchase of, and payment for, certain merchandise from our corporation.  We have agreed to ship the below mentioned merchandise to you: You agree to abide by our printed terms and conditions, and you additionally agree to pay for the merchandise in three equal … Read more

Collections Report on Current Status of Debt

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TO: FROM:   WE REPORT AS FOLLOWS: 25. Just relocated at new address;—following A. DEBTOR’S ATTITUDE: 26. Lives in remote district: 1. Promises to pay later hard to contact personally 2. Ignores requests 27. Debtor is a minor. Trying 3. Disputes claim for settlement 4. Refuses to pay 28. Debtor judgment-proof; 5. Claims account is … Read more