Letter of Eviction to Tenant

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Letter of eviction is written to tenants from landlords for a number of reasons. Some of them can be: for not paying rent, any kind of violation of contract, like loud parties at night etc. This letter is sent 30 day prior to eviction as an announcement. If a tenant does not move out, the … Read more

Lease Termination Letter

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February 23, 2012 To: Mr. Joan Smith 1239, South Plaza, New York, USA Dear Mr. Smith, Sub: Termination of Lease of my House. Ref:  Our Lease Deed dated 19th February, 2010. I would like to notify that I intend to terminate the Lease Deed of my House No. 1239 with effect from March 1, 2012. … Read more

Extension of Lease

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EXTENSION OF LEASE     EXTENSION AGREEMENT made by and between .. (Landlord), and .. (Tenant), relative to a certain lease agreement for premises known as .., and dated .., 20.. (Lease). For good consideration, Landlord and Tenant each agree to extend the term of said Lease for a period of (..) years commencing on … Read more

Assignment of Lease

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PROJECT OF LEASE   ________________________________ and ________________________________________________, Lessees of that certain lease dated_____________________, by and between ________________ Lessor and ______________________,Lessee, and pertaining to that certain_______________________________________________ do hereby assign their right, title and interest in and to said lease to _____________, whose address shall henceforth be __________________________. It is agreed and understood that this project is … Read more

Amendment to Lease

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AMENDMENT TO LEASE FOR GOOD CONSIDERATION, _ (Full Name of the Owner), and _ (Full Name of the Tenant), under an assured lease agreement between them for the premises known as _, dated _, 20_ hereby would like to alter and amend said lease in the following particulars: (Mention the alternate terms and conditions agreed … Read more

Attorney Termination Letter

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January 31, 2012 Ms. Laura Atkinson,   D- South Society, Garden Road,   Bloomington, Indiana Dear Ms. Atkinson, [Subject: Termination of Attorney] This is to notify you that you have been terminated from the legal counsel of attorneys, serving the state of Indiana, owing to your irresponsible and negligent behavior in the court premises day … Read more