Assignment And Transfer of Stock Certificate

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ASSIGNMENT OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (With Recourse)   FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells and transfers all right, title and interest in and to the account(s) receivable as annexed; to _._, the undersigned warrants that said account(s) are just and due and the undersigned has not received payment for same or any part thereof. It … Read more

Assignment of Trademark

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ASSIGNMENT OF TRADEMARK   The undersigned _, of _ (Corporation), being the lawful owner of a certain trademark registered in the United States Patent Office under registration number _, dated _, 20_ (Trademark), for good consideration does hereby sell, transfer and convey all right, title and interest in said trademark and convey all right, title … Read more

Assignment of Lien

ASSIGNMENT OF LIEN   This assignment is made on (date) by (name of lien holder), of (address), City of (city), Country of (country), State of (state), herein regarded as “Assignor”, to (name of assignee), of (address), City of (city), Country of (county), State of (state), herein referred to as “Assignee”.   In consideration of (amount) … Read more

Assignment of Lease

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PROJECT OF LEASE   ________________________________ and ________________________________________________, Lessees of that certain lease dated_____________________, by and between ________________ Lessor and ______________________,Lessee, and pertaining to that certain_______________________________________________ do hereby assign their right, title and interest in and to said lease to _____________, whose address shall henceforth be __________________________. It is agreed and understood that this project is … Read more

Assignment of Trademark

ASSIGNMENT OF TRADEMARK This agreement entered this (day) of (month), (year) between (name of assignor), of (address), City of (city) State of (state) , herein referred to as “Assignor”, and (name of assignee) of (address), City of (city), State of (state) , herein mentioned to as “Assignee”. That Assignor has adopted and is using a … Read more

Assignment of Literary Property

ASSIGNMENT OF LITERARY PROPERTY FOR VALUE RECEIVED, and in accordance with the terms of a certain agreement between us dated _, 20_, the undersigned hereby has the right to sells, transfers and assigns to _, (Corporation) all rights to the literary property, described as: And the undersigned further represents that Corporation may secure copyrights on … Read more

Assignment of Deed of Trust

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ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST   FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby grants, assigns and transfers to __________________________________________ all beneficial interest under that certain Deed of Trust dated _____________, executed by _________________________ ___________________________________________________Trustor, to_________________________________________________Trustee, and recorded as Instrument No._____on _____________________ in book___________page_________, of Official Records in the Country Recorder’s office of ________________________Country, _______________(State), describing land … Read more

Assignment of Copyright

ASSIGNMENT OF COPYRIGHT   FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells, transfers and assigns unto _, its successors, assigns and personal representatives, all right, title and interest in and to the following described copyright (Describe the details) _ The certificate of copyright is attached. The undersigned warrants good title to said copyright, that it is … Read more

Assignment And Transfer of Stock Certificate 2

ASSIGNMENT OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (With Recourse)   FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells and transfers all right, title and interest in and to the account(s) receivable as annexed; to _. _, the undersigned warrants that said account(s) are just and due and the undersigned has not received payment for same or any part thereof. … Read more

Assignment And Transfer of Stock Certificate 1

ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER OF STOCK CERTIFICATE   FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transfers to _, (_) shares of the store of _ (Corporation) standing in the name of the undersigned on the books of the Corporation and represented by Certificate No. _. The undersigned hereby and irrevocably constitutes and appoints _, … Read more