Notice of Error in Shipment And Request For Return Authorization

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Dear   This is to acknowledge the receipt of the above referenced order and to inform you that there is an error in the shipment. The merchandise I ordered was (specify) , while the merchandise I received is (specify) . Upon receiving your instructions for the return of goods, I will send same to you. … Read more

Letter of Authorization to Negotiate

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TO: ………………….   This letter will authorize you to negotiate, discuss and in any other way communicate with ……………in those areas relative to…………………………………………   This letter will further authorize ……… act in all matters on behalf of ………………………………..   The intent of this authorization is not to be construed to limit, in any way, the … Read more

Late Return Authorization

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Dear   This is to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of (date), in which you informed us that the merchandise delivered to you on (date) was defective. If you will read our terms and conditions for sale, you will note that our policy provides our clients with (time) to inspect and either accept or … Read more

Authorization to Direct Bill For Corporate Guest

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Dear   (Name of the guest) is an honored guest of our organization, and during his stay at your hotel, you are hereby authorized to forward all bills for his stay there to our accounting department. They have been preauthorized to immediately approve and pay any invoices from your hotel. We have also placed a … Read more

Sample Authorization Letter

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Hospital or Doctor’s Name: Address: Date: To Whomsoever It May Concern: I, (Patient Name), hereby authorize (Hospital’s Name) to release to (Person’s Name or Name of the Doctor with his designation), any information in my personal medical records, reports and any other information relevant to my cure while I am under the care of (Hospital’s … Read more