Explanation For Delay of Partial Shipment

Warning: Undefined variable $toReturn in /home/foundlet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/searchterms-tagging-2/searchterms-tagging2.php on line 1004

Dear   After complete investigation, I am certain of that we have found the source of the problem that created a misunderstanding on (date)   When we received your purchase order for (quantity, product), we were unable to fill the purchase order for instant delivery due to (explanation for delay in delivery). Our letter informing … Read more

Apology For Delay of Refund

Warning: Undefined variable $toReturn in /home/foundlet/public_html/wp-content/plugins/searchterms-tagging-2/searchterms-tagging2.php on line 1004

Dear   This is in reference to the letter dated (date). After reading your letter of (date), I can thoroughly understand why you are running out of patience.   While it would be easy to place the blame on our computer, this poor fellow has received enough abuse since joining our firm. After all, he … Read more